Every garden-maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden, irrespective of size or wealth.
(Vita Sackville-West)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Photo Friday: Burgundy Gaillardia

This gorgeous plant has been blooming since June and is going strong into October. Originally, I planted 2 or 3 small plants that have since died out, but it's okay because this one readily re-seeds itself. It's not a problem, however, since some of the plants die out and I've rather like where it's reseeded itself. For the plants that are where I don't wish them to be they are easily pulled up. Not at all like the Evil Veronica. My favorite reseeded plant was the one that planted itself next to the Shasta Daisies. Red and white daisies? Gorgeous! Far and away the best fall (and spring and summer!) perennial in my garden.

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