Every garden-maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden, irrespective of size or wealth.
(Vita Sackville-West)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Top 10 New Annuals for 2011

Continuing on last week's theme of top performing annuals to check out for 2011, I now get to talk about the top 10 new annuals for this season. Some of these plants are new to market this year while some have been on the market for awhile but are new to Levi Runions Garden Center. New varieties are always exciting, even when they are old favorites that are making a comeback as some of these annuals certainly are. 

New for 2011
This is one of the most highly anticipated new arrivals this year. Billed as the "world's only black petunia", this petunia is not merely dark purple but truly black. Black Velvet will be a fun one to add to container combos to add drama. Think of the possibilities! Also new for this year are Phantom, which features yellow stars on a black base color and Pinstripe, which has a creamy white star pattern on black.

This foliage begonia will add plenty of interest and texture to shade gardens. Large dark green leaves with white veining add a tropical look to shade gardens and will add drama and texture when combined with other blooming begonias such as Dragon Wing.

A trailing pansy! This pansy will be another great addition to the shade garden. It can be used as ground cover for shade areas or used in container combos as a spiller. The mix is beautiful with shades of blue, yellow and white. 

New to Levi Runions
We had this vigorous annual vine last year in cream. I can't tell you how it fared because it flew out the door before it really even took off! The tubular flowers are adorable and the wine red will be magnificent. The plant can either be grown on a trellis or in a hanging basket similar to Black-eyed Susan vine.

5. Ornamental Grass Twisted Arrows and Twisted Dart (new for 2011)
Because Blue Arrows was so popular last year, we decided to expand our ornamental grass selection with these two interesting plants. Both are combined with curly juncus to give these plants whimsical curly leaves interspersed with the upright blue leaves the plants are known for. Twisted Arrows is the taller of the two with a height of 18 to 36 inches while Twisted Dart is more compact and shorter growing to 16 inches tall. Both are great as focal points in container combos. 

6. Rose Mallow (Lavatera trimestris silver cup)
This is not a new plant by any stretch but I saw this last year on the garden tour and I had to have it! This easy to grow annual looks like a hibiscus and grows very well here in our short summers. Plant details claim this plant grows to 36" but this one was at least 60". Perfect as a focal point in the garden. These gorgeous raspberry pink flowers will not disappoint. 

Vinca is a great heat and drought tolerant plant for the sunny areas of the garden. Generally the colors tend to shades of pinks and reds but with First Kiss Blueberry the bloom is a deep blue color. Great variation for a tried and true plant. 

8. Zinnia Zahara Series
For zinnia lovers, this series is exceptional! Mildew and leaf-spot resistant, bigger blooms, continuous blooms, heat loving, drought tolerant plants in gorgeous colors. My favorite is the Starlight Rose which has to be the prettiest flower of any kind. We will also have Zahara Yellow which is a soft lemon yellow and Zahara Double Fire, a double zinnia in bright red orange.

Smells like chocolate, look like chocolate! What could be better? This tropical perennial can be grown as an annual here. The plant is sterile so there is no reseeding as with the annual cosmos that are most common here.

Yes, last year I had the Merlin Blue Morn on my list of most anticipated. Wasn't impressed. Mostly because it died. So since I am still in search of a blue morn petunia to plant with my favorite red morn petunias I had to include this on the list. We did have a couple of other varieties of Sophistica petunias last year and were impressed with their growth habit and color. If this blue morn is like others in the series, it should not disappoint. 

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