But the Garden Tour takes care of my voyeuristic needs by letting me tour local homeowners' gardens without fearing I'll be arrested. I don't care what anyone tells you, the garden tour is all about snooping. And it's fun. I love to see what other gardener's are doing and what plants they have. Often time plants I've turned my nose up at in the nursery looks completely different in the garden and I have to have it.

The next plant I was unable to identify was this unusual plant. I asked my friend-boss (it's only pertinent that my friend is also my boss in this context because she has more years in the greenhouse business that I do and knows a lot even though she says she doesn't) and she had no idea. The top part of this plant looks not unlike a hypoestes (polka dot plant) but the base of the plant is green and bushy. It also has little pink flowers. From a cursory search on hypoestes I guess it could be a leggy version but there were no pictures of such a condition so I don't know. Anyone know what this is?
This next plant I absolutely have to have. Gorgeous! It looked like a hibiscus, was HUGE and covered with blooms. Fortunately there was a sign by this plant that said "lavatera". Now some of you may know what that is but I did not. A quick Google search confirmed this is Rose Mallow and an annual. AN ANNUAL! That grows 3 to 5 in one season. In Minnesota! I love it. It was gorgeous beyond words. We do carry mallow at the greenhouse but not one as gorgeous as this. You can be sure I will be requesting this plant for next year. I have many spaces that would do well with a giant annual such as this. And yes, it is related to the hibiscus plant as well hollyhocks. If it reseeds, I will just love it all that much more. At least for now...

Other plants I realize I NEED to have (this is an addiction, you know. I am powerless...) are poppies of every color and variety I can get my hands on. I ordered some Oriental Poppies some years ago but they never grew and I haven't tried them again. We had them at the greenhouse this year and I didn't even get any. I know! What's wrong with me? That won't happen again. In addition to Oriental, I discovered that I also need California poppies. Strangely enough, my boy-child picked out these seeds for his own container garden. His aren't doing so well but I was assured by a fellow gardener that they need the cold to germinate and if I toss them in the ground next spring, I will have poppies. DONE! I also need more Bachelor's Buttons, both the perennial variety and the ever-reseeding annual variety. I love them so much. And last, I need more coneflowers. I have quite a few already but they are all the purple variety which I love. I also need white and red and pink....They just perform so great in the garden and then there is this:
Enough said.
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